
Why we do what we do!

Insight into AMSS by: R. Bruce Thomas The tagline on the Alberta Motorcycle Safety Society web site says “Safety, Education, and Awareness for Alberta Motorcycle Riders”.  As an organizational slogan this seems to be pretty succinct and a fitting goal Read more…

Train Tracks

Good for trains, tough on motorcycles by R. Bruce Thomas Wedged wheels, mangled mirrors, pummelled panniers, and broken body parts. The more I read, the more I got freaked out. And I had many months through the winter of 2009 Read more…


And other slow speed maneuvers By: R. Bruce Thomas One of the young fellows at the office had purchased a Kawasaki Ninja 300 near the end of the previous riding season and had done a small amount of riding before Read more…


Quality Time By: R. Bruce Thomas The screaming started almost immediately. One of the ladies who worked with my wife confided one day that riding on a motorcycle was an item on her bucket list, and she wondered if I Read more…

Road Food

What’s in your pannier? by: R. Bruce Thomas Twenty-sixteen was the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the National Park Service in the United States and my buddy Norm and I thought it would be an appropriate year to tackle Read more…

Whiteline Fever

Increased safety through variable lane positioning By: R. Bruce Thomas One of the main points mentioned when it comes to motorcycle safety is the importance of being visible. Oftentimes the conversation is around wearing bright colors, attaching reflective striping to Read more…


Not just a winter thing By: R. Bruce Thomas Ok, show of hands. How many are sensing a theme here? Full points if you guessed H2O. We started with rain, then water crossings, and now we have snow. But at Read more…