What Goes Up

Can be just as much fun coming down by R. Bruce Thomas I recently overheard a couple riders discussing hills. Basically, does one prefer riding up, or down, a hill. I’ve had similar conversations with my riding buddies over the years and, invariably, most riders prefer going up. Especially when Read more…

Hey! Look at me!

Make yourself be seen! by R. Bruce Thomas As I slowed to a stop at a dark T-Intersection recently I noticed a woman crossing the main road. I should say “barely noticed” the woman. She was dressed all in black from head to toe and was nearly invisible. My first Read more…

Riding the Salt

Follow Our Leader by R. Bruce Thomas In August 2023 I had a trip planned that included four days riding a number of the great roads in the Wasatch Mountain Range, a sub-range of the Rocky Mountains, to the east of Salt Lake City, Utah. The riding in the area Read more…

Keeping the Rubber Rolling

Avoiding, & Recovering from, Punctures by R. Bruce Thomas Knowing how to plug/change your tires makes it easier to keep moving if you find yourself where wind turbines outnumber retail shops. When I started seriously touring and putting down big kilometers I got a bit of a rude awakening. Getting Read more…


Telling you were to go… by R. Bruce Thomas Have you been riding yet? I feel a bit like a stuck record asking that every year. And I’m also thinking that saying “a stuck record” may not be a good analogy in this digital age. But, knowing how the kids Read more…

RTFM (Part 2)

Read the “Fine” Manual by R. Bruce Thomas Yes, I know. The typical expansion of the acronym at the top of this piece is a little different than what I have used here but that’s because this is a family-friendly organization. At this time of year I find myself thinking Read more…

Happy New Year!

Objects & Calendars by R. Bruce Thomas Saying Happy New Year at the end of January always feels a little weird but this is the first AMSS dispatch of the year so it fits. And so far, 2024 is off to a very Happy start. Of course, we had that Read more…

The Bucket List

Prepare for Safe Success by R. Bruce Thomas Here we are at the beginning of the last month of 2023 and we’ve only had a small amount of snow. And it didn’t stick around. This nice weather makes me sad as my bike has been parked since October 7, meaning Read more…

What’s Next?

Reflection and looking forward by R. Bruce Thomas How is it that we are at the end of October already and there has already been snow on the ground? This year seems to have just sped by and riding season is over for most people. However, looking back at it, Read more…

Some Random Thoughts…

After a summer of riding! by R. Bruce Thomas 1 – For many years I’ve worn Motoport Kevlar riding overpants and jacket. I bought it for the protection the gear offers me and know it works after “road testing” it when I got t-boned. I never counted on the entertainment Read more…

Heading South

Big and small considerations for a successful trip by: R. Bruce Thomas With all the border restrictions finally removed it is likely that people are finally looking at heading south of the 49th to ride some of the many great roads in the United States. Perhaps you have a hankering Read more…

See and Be Seen

Spring Tips to Consider by: R. Bruce Thomas Wow. It’s that time of year again. Have you been out riding yet? We didn’t get tons of snow over the winter so many roads are bare and dry as long as you don’t go out too early when there could still Read more…

To dream an impossible dream?

Maybe Someday by R. Bruce Thomas Motorcycles are dangerous. Ask anyone. Ask your Mom. The thing is, motorcycles are not dangerous. Granted, you can suffer greater injury if you are involved in a crash while riding a motorcycle than if you were in a car, but that doesn’t make the Read more…

Safety at the Speed of Light

Visibility Tips by R. Bruce Thomas A recent conversation with AMSS Board Member Jon Watchuk turned, not surprisingly, to the topic of safety features in automobiles that have an impact on the safety of motorcyclists. The presence on many vehicles now of Blind Spot Warning (BSW) lights on side mirrors Read more…