What’s Next?
Reflection and looking forward
by R. Bruce Thomas
How is it that we are at the end of October already and there has already been snow on the ground?
This year seems to have just sped by and riding season is over for most people.
However, looking back at it, I seem to have met almost all of my objectives at home and on the road. I got to Ohio, Utah, and Texas, so have plenty of story material. With the bike parked I've now got time to sort through all of my pictures and relive these adventures.
How was your summer riding?

A little reflection at the end of the year
Two things that didn't go to plan were Hurricane Hilary forcing the cancellation of the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials (BMST) and, for the first time since 1981, I got a rear tire puncture. Hopefully the weather in 2024 will allow the BMST to go ahead and I can meet AMSS President Liane Langlois in Utah to learn about something out of the norm for me.
That thought brings us to the forward looking portion of my winter. I've got a couple of big riding trips in my mind and obviously one of them includes Bonneville. Both trips are in need of further planning and scheduling but I've got plenty of time for that.
One other trip that is at the forefront of my planning will also involve motorcycles; just not me riding one. Plus, there isn't a lot of time to waste in getting this trip planned and booked.
On October 14 there was an Annular (partial) Solar Eclipse and I hope you had a chance to view this celestial event.

October 14, 2023 partial eclipse as viewed from Edmonton
Safely, with appropriate eye protection, of course.

Eye protection is essential when watching an eclipse
Back in August 2017 my wife and I rode down to Wyoming to view a Total Solar Eclipse for the first time. It was an amazing experience during which we witnessed almost two and a half minutes of totality in the middle of the day. We immediately started looking forward to the next North American Total Solar Eclipse which will cut a path across the continent from Mexico to Newfoundland on April 8, 2024.
With totality lasting for up to four and a half minutes in April 2024 this event promises to be even more impressive than our experience in 2017. We'll be spending a few days in and around San Antonio, Texas as it is right on the edge of the eclipse path and a short drive will get us into the middle with the long duration totality.

Circuit of the Americas is a great venue to watch motorcycle racing
And the other shoe drops when I mention that April 12 – 14 will see the Circuit of the Americas outside Austin, Texas (also on the edge of the eclipse path) host the fourth round of the 2024 MotoGP Championship Series.
A Total Eclipse, a week of Texas BBQ, and MotoGP racing. What's not to love?
I have already booked part of this eclipse/MotoGP trip which is good as San Antonio and surrounding area already has many hotels fully booked. I expect this eclipse, with the longer duration, will be busier than 2017. Once the event was over in Wyoming, I-25 was a parking lot and I lane split for miles before finding a place I could turn around.
So, ummm, forget I said anything. Just stay home and check online for eclipse photos.
What are you planning for 2024 and what have you booked already?
Whatever it involves, play safe and enjoy your travels.