Happy New Year!

Published by Liane Langlois on

Objects & Calendars

by R. Bruce Thomas

Saying Happy New Year at the end of January always feels a little weird but this is the first AMSS dispatch of the year so it fits.

And so far, 2024 is off to a very Happy start.

Of course, we had that ridiculous stretch of super cold weather but we can't do anything about that and, as motorcyclists, we should be used to having appropriate clothing for whatever mother nature throws at us. Not that anyone was riding when it was -50, but realizing you didn't have the right gear for winter may have made you think it was time to get an electric jacket liner so you can stay warm while riding in the summer. I rarely go anywhere at anytime without my heated gear as riding in the mountains can bring on a chill or even having the temp drop while riding through a rainstorm can cool things down a lot, and these examples are not an issue when you can turn up the heat. Heated grips on your bike make a huge difference too.

Thinking of new gear at this time of year is good so that you are ready when riding season arrives and it may come early this year since we don't have much snow. Do you need new gear or to get your old gear repaired?

To help with your thoughts of new gear, the Happy start to 2024 is getting a boost with the return of the Motorcycle and Powersport Show! So glad to have it back and be able to get out with friends for a pre-show lunch and then go kick some tires and see lots of familiar faces at the show. We just had it in Edmonton and the show is in Calgary next weekend. Plan to attend even if it means a road trip.

Of course, getting together with friends is important too as it provides the opportunity to look back on last season and look ahead to the upcoming season. How did everyone's travels go in 2023? What trips are people thinking of for 2024? Where should we go for regular, local (within an hour or three), ride-to-eats?

Sharing ideas on farkles also helps to understand what others find useful when on the road?

Are you hitting the gym? Being in good physical condition makes a huge difference when you get on the bike as to how far you can ride.

How about a refresher course? If you have been away from riding, or haven't done much riding in the last few years, a course can help keep you safe on the roads this summer.

Barring that, there are plenty of good books to read that will get your mind into the right place for when it comes time to raise that kickstand. Isn't that first ride grand?

What about your bike? Does it need any maintenance? With the early spring I anticipate service shops will be filling up fast. Call you local dealer and make an appointment.

If you take care of what is needed now the chance of having had a Happy 2024 at this time next year will increase greatly.

While there is still snow on the ground it may be tough to think about riding season but remember, objects on the calendar are closer than they may appear.

Ride responsibly and often!

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