How can you get involved?
Now that the launch of the campaign is behind us and our message is getting out there, we have a lot to work on going forward. One of the biggest questions we get is how can we get involved. There are several ways depending on how much time and effort you can afford to give to this cause.
- Buy some stuff from our clothing line! Click here to see the webstore where all proceeds to back to the AMSS to further grow our messaging, purchase more advertising time for our next campaign and take care of the minimal administrative costs that we incur for a registered non-profit.
- Volunteer! Subscribe to our Twitter, Facebook or newsletter for any volunteer opportunities that might come up. An example of that would be if we are in attendance at the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows in January - we could use some help manning the booth!
- Join the Board! We are currently looking for people with specific skillsets including:
- Chartered Accountant with experience in filing for non-profit societies
- Someone with a legal background to provide advice when required
- Someone with sales experience who has dealt with sponsors and advertising
- Or if you feel that you have a skillset that would help grow the AMSS, please let us know!
- Send an email to with a note about how you could help us grow and your past experience.
- Are you an industry expert? We will be looking for people with significant experience in law, gear, motorcycle safety, motorcycle mechanics, etc. to help us with podcasts and videocasts to grow our library of resources. Let us know if you would like to present a topic by emailing us at and letting us know your background in which that qualifies you as an industry expert for your topic.
- Step up for your municipality! If you are in another municipality within Alberta and are interested in stepping up as a Regional Director for your area, we would like to talk to you! We are looking for dedicated people with a strong passion for motorcycling and motorcycling safety!
- Talk with people about the AMSS and drive them to our website for more information.
- Share on Social Media, our message, tips, information and more!
We are currently sorting out AMSS membership details as well as corporate membership details. Our belief is that together we can do better and we will need full support to continue to grow a safety campaign for safer roads in Alberta. Help us get those statistics down by stepping up in any way you can.