Medical Data Carrier - Reflective Pink - Alberta Motorcycle Safety Society - AMSS

Medical Data Carrier – Reflective Pink


This is a special edition reflective pink medical data carrier!  Limited quantity available!

Part of the proceeds for this special MDC will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society in support of cancer research!  Wear your pink!

The Medical Data Carrier is a simple and very effective means for anyone to provide 911 and EMS with this very crucial information. In addition to the medical information, the emergency contact and medical plan information on the MDC enables first responders to notify and provide hospitals with relevant information in the case of an emergency.

This life saving sticker should be placed on the left side of your helmet, and cannot in any way cover the rating standard of the helmet.  Ratings are DOT, Snell, ECE, etc.

Pricing does not include shipping.  Also available in white and black.

Note:  If you are ordering a quantity more than 8, please contact before placing order for more information.

NOTE: Shipping is calculated upon checkout

97 in stock