Corporate Membership
Thank you for considering supporting AMSS through a Corporate Membership. Please choose from the levels listed below.
Offering a discount to the general membership for services you offer is not mandatory to our program, instead something we leave with you to decide. If you do, please let us know and we can update our membership with your offer. To see some examples, click here.
Platinum Corporate Membership ($2000.00/year)
Platinum is our top-tier exclusive level for corporate sponsorship. Being a platinum member will grant you:
- Full exclusivity - meaning you will be the only representative for your industry in this category.
- Website link in Platinum Sponsors section of our website alongside your logo
- Mentions, thanks yous, and shoutouts on our social media pages
- Extra large logo representation in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Promotion of your events through our social media
- The option to have your promotional items in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Business highlight on rotation in the Monthly Newsletter
- Front of the line go to expert guest on our ThinkBike podcast - please note that others in your industry will participate in the podcast but you will be the first!
- Logo representation in some AMSS print material including the monthly electronic newsletter
- Ability to purchase AMSS merchandise in bulk at a discounted rate to then sell in your store at normal retail prices
- The opportunity to supply a featured piece for our industry section in one of our monthly newsletters
- Assistance with demo rides based on AMSS availability
Please email to get signed up today!
Gold Corporate Membership ($1500.00/year)
Gold is our top-tier level for corporate sponsorship. Being a gold member will grant you:
- Website link in Gold Sponsors section of our website alongside your logo
- Mentions, thanks yous, and shoutouts on our social media pages
- Large logo representation in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Promotion of your events through our social media
- The option to have your promotional items in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Business highlight on rotation in the Monthly Newsletter
- A go to expert guest on our ThinkBike podcast
- Logo representation in some AMSS print material including the monthly electronic newsletter
- Ability to purchase AMSS merchandise in bulk at a discounted rate to then sell in your store at normal retail prices
- The opportunity to supply a featured piece for our industry section in one of our monthly newsletters
- Assistance with demo rides based on AMSS availability
Please email to get signed up today!
Silver Corporate Membership ($1000.00/year)
Silver is our middle-tier level for corporate sponsorship. Being a silver member will grant you:
- Website link in Silver Sponsors section of our website alongside your logo
- Mentions, thanks yous, and shoutouts on our social media pages
- Medium logo representation in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Promotion of your events through our social media
- The option to have your promotional items in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- Business highlight on rotation in the Monthly Newsletter
- An opportunity to be an expert guest on our ThinkBike podcast
Please email to get signed up today!
Bronze Corporate Membership ($500.00/year)
Bronze is our base level for corporate sponsorship. Being a Bronze sponsor will grant you:
- Website link in Bronze Sponsors section of our website alongside your logo
- Mentions, thanks yous, and shoutouts on our social media pages
- Small logo representation in our booth at both the Calgary and Edmonton Motorcycle Shows
- A chance to be an expert guest on our ThinkBike podcast
Please email to get signed up today!